Although I have not been blogging for a wee while I have been trying out a couple of things on the camera.
I asked my cousin if she fancied trying out a random Double Exposure experiment with me and she agreed. We used 35mm film and tried out both black and white and colour films for the project.
The black and white film was taken on my Centon SLR and Bec's (still to be confirmed, but possibly her Canon EOS 500).
The colour film was taken on my [Minolta] Dynax 4 and Bec's Canon EOS 500.
We did come across a few problems on the way. The first film, which I'd shot at the Glasgow Festival, jammed in one of Bec's camera's and was accidentally ruined. Disappointing but these things happen. We also had to make sure we didn't wind the film fully into the canister on completion of all exposures but I mistakenly wound back too far. After lots of research on how to retrieve the film leader myself (without buying the necessary gadget) I decided to play it safe and ask the nice processor in Penmann's, Johnstone, who kindly retrieved the film leader for me.
We didn't pre-arrange the photographs prior to shooting. We simply took the shots randomly before swapping the films over. I think that many of them turned out quite well but you can decide for yourself.
IceSkates and Daisies
Car rear window and Kirkcaldy Harbour
Portrait by my cousin and Kelvinbridge Underground Staircase
This project will continue, with further experimentation this space.
More of the doubly exposed images can be seen on my Flickr site - AnneMarie's Flickr