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Wednesday 6 January 2010

Edinburgh snow

Even though we'd arranged our trip to visit Edinburgh again to complete our "City Lights" assignment ages ago, we all only managed to get there by the skin of our teeth.

The weather was still and calm here but the snow was so deep you couldn't drive. Then, after finally making it into the city, the snow started and worked itself into a blizzard of madness. We couldn't defy the weather's fury so we had to give in and come home.

The weather isn't going to let-up for the next two weeks but, regardless, we're going to try again on Saturday.

The Hub [St.John's] near Edinburgh Castle - handheld while I was sliding down the hill

Stencil Grafitti down a lane [unfortunatley, I can't remember which one] - taken on my phone camera


Anonymous said...

Hub photo taken fronm outside Alan's door. Anon-K

AnneMarie Sharkey said...

Hmmmm....intriguing. I hope Alan has been managing to get in and out of his door safely as I almost broke my legs on the ice!!