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Thursday, 25 March 2010

The Ancient Yew Tree of Fortingall

Depending on the website you refer to the ancient Yew tree in Fortingall is the oldest in the UK, Europe or possibly even the entire world. At an age of between 3000 and 9000 years old this is a magnificant tree to visit.

The trunk is a mere shell of what it used to be (16 meters) due to fires and other mishaps over the decades (centuries, even) but there are markers to show where the entire trunk would have been.

A wall now surrounds the Yew to give it further protection, which made it difficult to create a nice photograph to show you. I have decided to show you a new, budding section of branch in my beloved bokeh style, which captures the beginning of spring and the fact that this tree is still very much alive.

For those of you who are religious, or even just curious about the tree and other holy landmarks in Scotland, you can read more about the Yew Tree on this site - Sacred Connections

Friday, 19 March 2010

The original and the best!

There was a time when people used to ask me if my hair tasted of Irn Bru. A joke from some - a serious question from others!!!

Time has darkened my hair and thickened my skin (to some things at least) but, despite my deteriorating memory, I will never forget the stick I used to get for having 'ginger' hair.

I thank God that the internet wasn't around in my youthful days as I have come to learn that there is a 'Kick a ginger' day. In Glasgow (and most likely even further afield) this would really involve more than one kick - or perhaps worse. I have been threatened at knife-point more than once in my life, all because of the colour of my hair. How I managed to escape, I just don't know.

Anyway, I don't get that much harrassment these days as my hair seems to be getting quite dark - it's more like a lovely auburn now (in my opinion) - so you can all put away your tiny violins. I don't know that I'm happy that it is losing its vibrancy. It makes me feel like I am supposed to calm down in my life since my hair is calming down to a dull, uninteresting shade. There are always dyes, though, watch this space :)

So, now that I have a few public followers (and a few hidden) I am going to make a concerted effort to updating this site with something [hopefully] worth looking at. I'm really chuffed that people are having a look on here and I thank you all for giving me the time of day :D

For now, I will leave you with a photograph of a vintage Irn Bru can that I bought from the college machine just before Christmas. Remember these?

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Aira Force Money Tree

On our journey back from Lake Windermere we stopped at Aira Force, near Lake Ullswater in the Lake District, to see the waterfall. It was very pretty indeed but what caught my attention most was the Money Tree.

A dead tree trunk, lying on the route to the waterfall, had many coins hammered into it. Apparantly vistors to the area hammer in coins and make a wish. If their coin stays in the tree then their wish will be granted. If it falls from the tree or is taken by someone (not easy) then the wish will never come to fruition.

I cannot use this tree for my Higher project because it is in England (I stated I would be using Scottish trees), however I would like to visit Loch Maree, if I get the chance. There are similar money trees (oaks, I think) up there and I can perhaps get a shot of them.

In the meantime, here is the image from Aira Force.