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Friday, 27 May 2011


Well, ok, I didn't manage to get a photo of Peregrine Falcon but I did think I had for a moment. To be fair, if I'd looked hard enough at the photo I'd have easily spotted that it wasn't a falcon.

Thankfully, someone (Mr. P) brought me to my senses and informed me that my image was actually one of an Arctic Skua.
That's perfectly ok because an Arctic Skua is on my Tough Challenge list :)

This photo was taken on Orkney between Skara Brae Neolithic site, at Bay of Skaill, and Skaill House.

Same bird, enlarged and cropped for identification purposes.

Also on the list is a Gannet. I was reading on the ferry back from Orkney when I looked up to see a Gannet flying right next to my window. By the time I got my camera out the Gannet took its blue face far away from me so the photo doesn't show the bird to its full potential. It shouldn't be too hard to get another photo of this type of bird, though.

Same image, enlarged and cropped for identification (not as good quality but you can see its blue face and yellow head).

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