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Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Newark Bay Seal

When I first saw the seal he only poked his head out of water for a little bit then disappeared. I got the camera out in case he came back and my patience paid off. He came back, albeit further away.

This image of a grey seal was taken from Newark Bay, looking out towards the Copinsay Islands.

On my drive back to Kirkwall a Guilliemot flew inbetween me and the car coming towards me. We both stopped to watch it fly. It was stunning and I wasn't able to take a photograph. However, I know now where I might find one :)


Miriam Vaswani said...

I love this series you're doing, Ams. Baby seal! How wonderful.

AnneMarie Sharkey said...

Awww, I feel bad now. It's a full grown seal in Newark BAY!
Now I want to find a baby seal!!!!