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Saturday, 31 October 2009

Enchanted Forest!

Although it was really dark and rainy, the woods of Pitlochry were beautifully haunting during the Autumn Festival!

One of quite a few pumpkins carved by Reke, a Polish artist residing in Pitlochry

Sporadically lit trees in the Enchanted Forest.

A mermaid found by local fishermen.

I would like to visit Pitlochry in daylight hours. I spotted many sculptures lurking about in the dark recesses of the high street. I imagine there must be many treasures to be found off the beaten track.

Thursday, 29 October 2009


I was meeting a friend in Glasgow recently and, as they were running late, I decided to have a hot chocolate in the GFT Cafe.

A few sips and a wee doodle later I realise I really miss the Glasgow Film Theatre :(

Digital Images

I seem to be less inclined to take my digital camera out with me these days. I imagine it must be that I'm loving being in the darkroom so much. However, I do still love the fact that I can see my images immediately after I have taken them with the Digital camera.

Here are some images that I have taken on my Sony Alpha 100 DSLR.

Finishing an old film!

After my first day of using the college cameras (35mm SLRs) I took the notion to dig out my old Centon camera. I discovered there was a half-used film inside (Ilford 125). As the day was lovely and sunny I decided to use the new technical knowledge from my class and finish the film with a view to some practise.

The Snakes and Ladders game was painted onto an outside, wooden table in Barshaw Park in Paisley. This image was taken over a year ago. Exactly how long, I cannot tell. The film fared well considering it wasn't kept in the best conditions.

The following photos were taken in September -

This Sage plant was thrown into the garden as I kept forgetting to water it. Sadly, due to my neglect, it was no longer suitable for consumption.

Chloe is very sneaky. She will pose for you right up until you press the shutter release. I got fed up with her last-minute, blur-action and took a photo from behind her instead.

This last one is probably boring to many, but I like it. This image is of a sleeper in the garden that must be many years old. It is a very strong piece of wood but it is slowly being withered away by the weather. It also acts as the cat's scratching post, beasties home, bird landing spot (when cat's not about) and my tea-drinking seat in the summer.

First Darkroom Print!

I've delayed adding to this blog long enough so now I'm going to inundate you with lots of images. I'll try to take it easy on you....

This first image is scanned from my first completed print in the darkroom at college. The image is of the stones by the water feature in the college courtyard, taken on the first film I was given to shoot with - Ilford 100 - on the college camera (details to follow as my memory is bad and I can't find my notes!!).
The paper is Ilford, resin-coated, multi-grade (glossy) and the magenta filter is up full (175 on the enlarger I was using).